The State of the Teacher Shortage

Abby Germann
September 26, 2024

The United States is facing an unprecedented teacher shortage, a crisis that has left schools across the nation struggling to maintain the quality of education that students deserve. With classrooms understaffed and qualified teachers in high demand, the effects of this shortage are being felt in both urban and rural districts. Whether it's larger class sizes, fewer subject options, or overworked teachers, the impact on students is acute. In some states, schools are facing extreme staffing challenges, forcing them to turn to long-term substitutes or asynchronous learning models that fall short of providing the personalized, engaging instruction students need to succeed.

Proximity Learning has a solution to make sure that all students are receiving consistent, high quality education. By employing our synchronous instruction model, students have a certified virtual teacher, an in person facilitator, and a whole team of support making sure they are getting the education they deserve. We can fill the gaps left by the teacher shortage.  

What is The Teacher Shortage?

Teacher demand exceeded supply for grades K-12 in US public schools by more than 55,000 in 2023 - thousands per state. The problem is only expected to get bigger, especially post-pandemic. It’s harder for districts everywhere to find great teachers, requiring them to look for creative solutions that positively impact their students. 

For example, in Arkansas vacancies are concentrated in the Southern and delta regions of Arkansas where students are already underserved. These areas average more than ⅓ of teacher vacancies in their districts. The University of Arkansas reports an average of 26% shortage across the state with over 6,000 under qualified teachers. In Florida, the teacher shortage is forcing schools to hire under qualified teachers, compromising educational standards for students. The Florida Education Association states, "Florida has a serious and growing teacher shortage. Districts had more than 4,000 advertised vacancies for classroom teachers in August 2018, up from 3,000 in 2017 and 2,400 in 2016. As of January 2020 —midway through the school year — more than 2,440 teaching positions remained unfilled — a 10% increase from January 2019." Critical subject areas include Math, Science, English, and Reading. 

The teacher shortage crisis has far-reaching consequences, especially for students who bear the brunt of understaffed classrooms. One of the most immediate effects is larger class sizes. In some Texas classrooms districts are having to find legal loopholes in order to make sure each student has a teacher, even when the classrooms are overfilled. Teachers are spread thin, which means less individual attention for each student. This lack of personalized instruction can hinder academic progress, particularly for students who need additional support.

In many cases, schools resort to hiring long-term substitutes or unqualified individuals to fill the gaps. These substitutes may not have the subject-matter expertise or pedagogical skills necessary to provide a high-quality learning experience. Students miss out on deep engagement with the material, and in subjects like math and science, this can set them back significantly, making it harder to catch up.

Is The Teacher Shortage a Problem Everywhere? 

Additionally, the shortage exacerbates inequity in education. Schools in lower-income areas tend to struggle the most with hiring and retaining teachers, which means students in these districts are more likely to face inconsistent instruction, outdated curriculums, and less access to advanced courses. The teacher shortage also takes a toll on the social-emotional well-being of students. When students are taught by overworked and overwhelmed teachers, they may feel less supported, and classroom dynamics can suffer, leading to increased behavioral issues and disengagement.

In the long term, this shortage threatens the future workforce, as students may graduate without the necessary skills or knowledge, limiting their opportunities for higher education or employment. In an interview James Keyes, author of “Education is Freedom" elaborates on what he thinks is the root of the teacher shortage. ”‘These teachers don’t make much money, they’re making less than they were 10 years ago on an inflation adjusted basis, they are as important as our military," Keyes explained. He believes that the system needs an overhaul, explaining that much of the curriculum hasn’t changed in over 100 years.  If you give teachers the tools, technology and support, Keyes feels those glaring gaps can slowly go away.”

What is the Solution to the Teacher Shortage? 

Proximity Learning’s approach to synchronous online instruction provides a groundbreaking solution to the teacher shortage. Unlike traditional substitutes or asynchronous programs, PLI connects schools with highly qualified, certified teachers who deliver real-time, interactive lessons. This means that students, no matter where they are, can engage in live, dynamic learning environments, just as they would in a traditional classroom. Our teachers are not just filling gaps—they are actively involved in shaping the educational experience, offering the expertise and support that students need to thrive.

One of the key benefits of synchronous online instruction is that it breaks down the geographic barriers that often limit access to quality education. Whether a student is in a rural area with a severe teacher shortage or an urban district facing overcrowded classrooms, PLI's model ensures that every student has access to a certified teacher. Live instruction allows students to ask questions, receive immediate feedback, and participate in discussions, fostering a more engaged and effective learning environment. This model is particularly powerful because it mirrors the structure of traditional classrooms while providing the flexibility and adaptability of the digital space.

Every state has its own educational standards and challenges. Proximity Learning adapts its curriculum to meet state-specific requirements, ensuring that students not only receive a high-quality education but one that aligns with their local academic needs. Whether it's following state guidelines, addressing learning gaps, or working with specific district challenges, PLI’s model is flexible and customizable. Our certified teachers work closely with schools to make sure that our virtual classrooms integrate seamlessly with state curriculums, providing a smooth, effective solution to teacher shortages across the country.

By harnessing the power of synchronous online instruction, Proximity Learning is offering a future-forward, reliable solution to the teacher shortage, ensuring that students across the U.S. have the opportunity to succeed, regardless of location or circumstance.

How Does Proximity Learning Help?

One of the best examples of Proximity Learning’s impact comes from Red River Charter Academy (RRCA) in Louisiana. Faced with a shortage of certified teachers, RRCA partnered with Proximity Learning to provide certified livestream teachers for core and specialty subjects. After implementing Proximity's certified virtual teachers, RRCA saw significant improvements in both student engagement and academic performance. Grades in core subjects increased by 5% to 56%, and standardized test scores (LEAP) showed a two-point gain. ACT scores also rose from an average of 13.1 in 2021-22 to 13.8 in 2022-23, with some students achieving higher scores than ever before.

Since its inception, Proximity Learning has successfully placed certified teachers in thousands of classrooms across the country. As demonstrated at RRCA, the positive effects of Proximity’s teachers are immediate and measurable. In just one school year, the shift to virtual certified teachers helped RRCA increase student test scores and earn better state ratings. These results are a testament to the effectiveness of synchronous online instruction in closing the education gap.

All of Proximity Learning’s teachers are highly qualified, state certified educators with subject-matter expertise. This high level of training ensures that students receive the same, if not better, quality education as they would in a traditional in-person classroom. Proximity’s teachers also have experience in virtual teaching, allowing them to create interactive, engaging lessons that keep students focused and learning effectively, regardless of geographic location.

What Does The Future of Education Look Like?

At Proximity Learning, we believe the future of education is brighter than ever—even with the challenges posed by the ongoing teacher shortage. Our long-term goal is simple: to ensure every classroom has access to a highly qualified, certified teacher, no matter where it’s located. We’re committed to expanding our reach and building lasting partnerships with schools across the country, helping to bridge the gap one virtual classroom at a time.

The future of virtual education is also evolving at light speed, thanks to innovations in technology. Interactive tools, real-time assessments, and adaptive learning platforms are just the beginning. We see a world where learning isn’t bound by geography, where students in rural or underserved areas have access to the same quality education as those in top-tier districts. Virtual teaching is no longer a temporary solution—it’s a powerful, sustainable way to meet the growing needs of today’s classrooms.

How To Fix The Teacher Shortage?

The teacher shortage in the U.S. is a pressing issue that continues to impact the quality of education across the nation. From understaffed classrooms and overworked teachers to inequities in access to qualified educators, the effects are felt by all students. While the shortage varies from state to state, one thing remains clear: without enough certified teachers, students’ learning experiences and future opportunities are at risk.

Proximity Learning is committed to being a part of the solution. By offering highly qualified, certified teachers through synchronous online instruction, we ensure that students receive the attention, support, and expertise they deserve—no matter where they are. PLI’s services help schools bridge the gap in their staffing, providing a reliable and sustainable way to meet the demands of modern education while increasing student success.

At the heart of our mission is the belief that every student should have access to a certified teacher. Whether it's through live virtual instruction or customized curriculum support, PLI is dedicated to transforming education one classroom at a time. Together, we can ensure that no student is left without a qualified teacher guiding their academic journey. Explore our services and join us in empowering the future of education. Contact us today!

about the author
Abby Germann

Abby Germann is getting her Bachelors of Arts in Mass Communication at Sam Houston State University. She is currently a Marketing Intern at Proximity Learning and loves learning new marketing skills. In her free time she loves music, working on film sets, and her dog, Finn.

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