Teaching With Proximity Learning
Proximity Learning makes it easy for teachers to focus on the most important part of being a teacher - teaching the students who need them

A Great Teacher Can Change A Student’s Life
That's what drives Proximity Learning teachers to be passionate, innovative, challenge-seeking educators.
Thousands of students across the country currently lack access to certified teachers in crucial subjects. Teaching with Proximity Learning enables teachers like you to connect with those students and make an impact.
Our mission is to connect all learners with the expert teachers they deserve -teachers like you.
Through livestreamed, interactive instruction, Proximity Learning teachers can reach the students that need them and reshape their futures.
We partner with school districts that can't find certified teachers in their area by removing physical barriers and connecting them via livestream with expert teachers in a different part of the country.

Transitioning from Brick-and-Mortar
Setting The Bar For Virtual Education, One Class at a Time
Proximity Learning teachers start their classes just like any other teacher would - by greeting the students, asking about their day, having one-on-one conversations as class settles in, and more. The only difference? The students are on your screen.
Teachers choose to work with Proximity Learning because they value the moments and interactions that make education truly effective. That’s why we value live instruction so greatly - truly connecting with a student cannot be done over pre-recorded video and message boards. Students need great teachers like you that can form that connection through the screen.
continue your mission
Make A Nationwide Impact On Your Own Schedule
Flexible scheduling where you choose the classes you want to teach
Work from anywhere in the US, whether you travel frequently or work from home
Reach students from all around the country in a single day
teacher personas
A Driven, Diverse Teaching Team
Proximity Learning teachers are passionate, mission-driven people who teach because they know the power of a great educator. They love teaching, but sometimes the in-building environment just isn’t for them. No matter their background, Proximity Learning provides a space for teachers to continue doing what they love.

Mark, 66
Avid Hiker, New Grandfather
Burlington, Vermont
Mark is a 66-year-old recently retired middle school science school teacher that had been teaching for over 40 years. He has plenty to do in retirement, including taking care of his new grandson every Friday and participating in a hiking group every Tuesday. However, he still finds that the feeling of connecting with and empowering young people is important to him. Last year, Mark started to teach two Proximity Learning middle school level science classes that worked with his schedule. This flexibility still leaves him free to spend time with family and allows him to pick up new hobbies while also connecting with a new generation of students and helping them fall in love with science.

Melissa, 48
Tech-Savvy Military Spouse
Seville, Spain
Melissa is a 48-year old military spouse, former IT professional, and former elementary teacher. Although she is currently stationed in Fayetteville, North Carolina, Melissa is used to frequently changing locations due to her wife’s assignments - sometimes to states across the country. Looking for a consistent income that could follow her anywhere and build off of her existing comfort with video calls, Melissa decided to look for live instruction teaching opportunities after having taught elementary school before beginning her career in IT. She joined Proximity Learning and picked up elementary school classes that matched her schedule, enabling her to make additional income while abroad and continue applying her love of technology to her job.