A Solution - Filling the Special Education Teacher Gap

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr once said, “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.” All children deserve a quality education - one that is taught by educators with passion and a belief in the positive power of education. All children are unique and have a variety of characteristics to share with the world.
A Severe SPED Teacher Shortage
According to the National Center of Education statistics, 45% of schools have a vacancy for special education teachers. That means that many students are currently not receiving the services they need. This is why special education teachers and services are so important. Special education teachers understand the unique needs of students with special services and will meet students where they are academically to ensure students are learning. Special education services are meant to embrace the unique characteristics of each child and teach them on their individual academic levels to bring out the best in each child.
Students with special services, like general education students, are capable of learning and retaining information that can help them be successful in their futures. With the changing times and a focus on technology, the direction of special services has expanded. Thinking outside of the box is key. Proximity learning has embraced those changes and has provided creative, yet, proven strategies to implement special services through live online instruction taught by virtual certified teachers. How incredible is it that students, no matter where they live or what services they need, can still receive a quality education to help prepare them for the future?
Hiring Certified SPED Teachers
Proximity Learning embraces various co-teaching models and provides resource room services, tutoring, and self-contained services. Our teachers are prepared to monitor progress, adhere to goals, collect detailed data, and work closely with district teams to communicate effectively regarding student outcomes. Students who receive special services do not have to miss services at any time, even if there is a national teaching shortage for in-person teachers.
Every year, it becomes more and more important to place qualified educators in front of our youth. With every passing year, more and more children are still attending school and seeking to learn and understand information in a way that resonates with them - to better understand the world around them. We have to meet all students on their level so that they can be prepared for life beyond the classroom.
To combat the teaching shortage, Proximity Learning comes to you, into buildings, into homes, projecting virtually in whatever capacity is needed. Just like an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is personalized, the services provided by certified teachers at Proximity Learning can be personalized as well. Services at Proximity Learning can be customized to meet unique needs of students, parents, schools, and districts.
Improve Student Outcomes
With consistent services and dedicated qualified certified teachers, the services provided by Proximity Learning can improve student outcomes. Proximity Learning provides flexibility. Proximity Learning provides structure. Proximity Learning provides an answer and solution. No child has to go without a quality education when a physical teacher can not be placed into a classroom. Because of technology and innovation, every child can grow academically. And, because of Proximity Learning, every child can have the opportunity to reach their full potential.
Ready To Learn More?
Whether you have a question about our solutions or are interested in our services, don't hesitate to reach out to us here. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.