Proximity Learning: 2021 Year In Review

Chelsea Penney
December 30, 2021

2021 was a big year for Proximity Learning! We expanded, learned from growing pains and educated tens of thousands of students. Across the country, students had access to the virtual certified teachers they deserve because we focus on providing quality educators. 


In 2021, Proximity Learning grew 300%, graduating from being a small startup. With over 500 teachers and over 50 corporate employees, we are now a midsize company that continues to grow and expand our teams, including the development of the new departments of Innovation and Virtual Schools and our upcoming On-the-Ground Charter School services. 

The Innovation department will be on the cutting edge of edtech, curriculum, and professional development. The Virtual School department will function as our in-house school option for remote learners. 

Proximity Learning also made the bold decision to take the client support team in-house. To better streamline communication and have more ownership and oversight, we created the Solutions Team. At the end of 2021, our Solutions Team continues to average above 97% for user satisfaction and support turnaround times are within, if not better than, industry standards.

Streamlining to Scale

Proximity Learning underwent a rebrand to incorporate an all-new logo and brand colors to align with our new direction and growth. The change will propel our brand toward its potential. With growth comes the need for streamlined processes, so Proximity Learning has also undergone organizational makeovers that ensure we can scale. 

Every team revamped their processes and procedures to adapt to the new trajectory of the company. We found better ways to communicate with each other, hire teachers and employees, manage our supply and demand, and leverage data to make informed decisions.

These changes smooth the process for districts and teachers alike. Everyone will enjoy simpler onboarding with clear communication.

Looking Forward

The future of Proximity Learning is educating one million students. To do so, we will continue to grow our teams and streamline our processes. We will follow our values to be honest about the areas of improvement, so we can quickly resolve issues. We are employing experts to expand our impact on educational equity, and provide needed support to teachers to connect learners with the expert teachers they deserve, one class at a time.

about the author
Chelsea Penney

Chelsea Penney earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Writing from University of Colorado Denver and her Masters of Science in Marketing from Texas A&M University Commerce. She loves living in Austin, TX and working on the frontline as Content Marketing Manager for Proximity Learning.

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