Year in Review 2023

Chelsea Penney
December 21, 2023

Thanks to all of our district partners, incredible teachers, engaged students, and hardworking team, Proximity Learning had an outstanding year as we work toward our mission of connecting all learners with the expert teachers they deserve. 

As 2023 comes to a close, we have many accomplishments to celebrate and many improvements to implement. We always strive for excellence with the hope that we can positively impact the education of more and more students every year

Reflecting upon our year, we realize that it’s all about relationships. People need people and that makes the world a better place. In a divisive world, Proximity Learning chooses connection. 

We are run by educators for educators, which gives us the passion to execute our mission. As we prioritize connecting with students, we constantly update our processes and outreach, which allows us to increase our impact.

We are proud to share these monumental accomplishments in 2023:

We’ve taken a stand against asynchronous, pre-recorded videos as a means of instruction. We all agree that synchronous instruction from certified teachers yields better student outcomes, so we are firmly planting our flag in the ground as an anti-async organization. Students deserve better.

Internal wins that benefit our students, districts, and teachers:

  • National leaders in quality synchronous instruction - Proximity Learning students score 8% higher than the average admissions requirement for state universities via a study by Chicago State University.
  • >120 courses have completed digital curriculum and supporting teacher resources
  • 100% alignment to all state standards ensured by our curriculum experts
  • Pre & Post assessments with progress monitoring for all core classes
  • Strategic alliance with Nearpod and other instructional edtech aids
  • 30 hours of professional development supporting all teachers growth & instructional delivery methods
  • 92% teacher retention which means consistency for your students
  • Quality control, a new platform to conduct our teacher walkthroughs, and observational data, to drive instructional improvement
  • Synchronous tutoring program endorsed by The National Student Support Accelerator's Tutoring Quality Improvement System
  • Our high-dosage tutoring program is effective because it leverages certified teachers during the school day several times per week to give students the rigor they need to catch up.
  • Client success pod structure for maintenance and fast resolution
  • Each district has a dedicated Teaching and Learning Specialist, Data Specialist, and Client Success Specialist who work closely to ensure seamless implementation
  • 99% satisfaction + 24 hr turnaround response rate via a dedicated Client Success Specialist
  • Software improvements such as:
  • Easier student enrollment import process
  • Simplified facilitator management of rosters

Our online live instruction with certified virtual teachers enables students to access qualified teachers who don’t live in their area, expanding educational equity into communities most affected by the national teacher shortage crisis. This year’s accomplishments push us even further into making a difference in the lives of the students who need it most.

We are so proud of everything our partners, teachers, and team have helped us achieve and look forward to another successful year bringing educational equity to students across the country.

Interested to learn more about our upgrades? Schedule a meeting today.

about the author
Chelsea Penney

Chelsea Penney earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Writing from University of Colorado Denver and her Masters of Science in Marketing from Texas A&M University Commerce. She loves living in Austin, TX and working on the frontline as Content Marketing Manager for Proximity Learning.

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