Live Virtual
Summer School

Reduce Learning Loss with Synchronous Summer School and Tutoring

Every school year is its own expedition. In Proximity Learning Summer School, Base Campers lay their academic foundations, Switchbackers navigate the challenging curves, and Summit Seekers aim for the pinnacle. Through synchronous instruction, we provide the compass, guiding every student up to 
peak achievement.

A man and woman are hanging from a rope.

Hands-On Summer Instruction From
Certified Teachers

Our synchronous summer programs offer live, online instruction from certified teachers. Our teachers lead highly interactive sessions that provide effective academic support for for learners, no matter where they are on their learning expedition.

Teach with Us
Two people climbing a mountain with backpacks.

Reach greater heights

Our summer school offerings excel in delivering superior outcomes in both Student Achievement and District Performance.

A man and woman are climbing a mountain, with the man wearing a blue shirt and the woman wearing a blue helmet.

The Right Trail For Every Journey

Whether your district's focus is Credit Recovery for underserved communities or Academic Enrichment, Proximity Learning tailors its livestreamed programs to your needs.

illustration of a man rock climbing

Boost Curriculum Comprehension
with Synchronous Summer
Tutoring Programs

Our traditional tutoring service is offered over the summer, as well. Our tutoring programs—built on our essential pillars of effective instruction—help your students with curriculum comprehension before advancing to the next year.

Ready To Learn More?

Whether you have a question about our solutions or are interested in our services, don't hesitate to reach out to us here. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.